Wednesday, 15 June 2016

Introducing Thomas - Read his 4 day cycling adventure!

Thomas joins the OT team!

Hi all! I will start by describing my bicycle history from the last few years. So where do I start, I have had a mountain bike (belonging to my son) in my shed for the last 10 years and in April 2015 I decided it was time to dump or use the bike.
I brought the same bike to "Garden shed " bicycle shop situated off Barrack Street in Cork for an assessment and I was informed that an expenditure of 80/100 euro would get me back on the road,new tyres/brakes/service etc On collection of my bike I was also shown how to use the gears etc this was June 2015 and I cycled home to Ballintemple. I went for 1 small cycle ( 1 hour) in July 2015 and nothing since until last Saturday 11th June 2016 as part of Operation Transportation!

Thomas writes:

My diary is as follows:

Sat June 11
Thomas and Dale
Took my bike out of the garage and saw that the tyres needed some air so I went to my bag of cycling goodies(anytime Lidl or Aldi had bicycle stuff the following were purchased, pumps of different styles/repair kit/saddle cover/lights/gloves/tops etc) It was about 4 pm when i pumped up the tyres.

Note: ALDI often have bicycle gear on special offer and most of the time is equipment is just as good as big name brands!! Keep an eye using these links: ALDI & LIDL

At around 6 pm I went for a ride and did about 10 minutes, I was very wobbly at start but got there. Confidence grew as time went on!

Thomas on South Mall
Sunday 12th June
Today I cycled bike to and from church, it was a round trip of about 12 mins, nothing major to report

Monday 13th
After the Ireland vs Sweden match I cycled to my friends house, it was about a 15 minute ride, it was very windy so found journey difficult enough. I took a different route home and avoided the hills!
I am getting used to the cars and the road surface which is bad in places! 

Pumping the tyres on 11th June for the week of cycling

Tuesday 14th
Left home at 7pm and returned home just after 7.55pm. I went into city centre, cycled in Blackrock road/Oliver plunkett street/south mall/ southern road/Douglas road etc
I am getting more used to using the bike and my "bum" is getting used to saddle! I also cycled up all the hills I came across this evening (yesterday I walked up one hill but this evening I cycled up this hill)

Read this great article to avoid getting a sore bum: SADDLE SORE?

I was stopped behind 2 cars at traffic lights on south mall and took a selfie, after the lights went green and we all moved off the car in front of me stopped and driver got out and asked me " did I do something wrong??" he noticed me taking the selfie and thought I was taking a photo of his car,I explained I took a selfie and we all went on our merry way!

Thomas finishes by saying: "Cycle paths in the city centre are a little confusing, they are there one minute and then gone the other, a little Good/ bad/ugly!!!!"

Overall I am delighted with my progress, from being very wobbly/sore on Saturday to enjoying the ride today!

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