Thursday, 16 June 2016

Introducing Patrick - Read his Operation Transportation Progress so far...

Patrick joins the team:

Hi folks,
Apologies for the late updating of my progress on cycling this week but here goes!

Day 0 Friday 10th June:
Bike cleaned up and oiled today for it's big test tomorrow.
Day 1 Saturday 11th June:
I spent the day hillwalking on the mountains back in west Kerry. It's now 11.30 pm and I've just remembered I signed up to undertake the challenge which started today. Okay I am tired but can't give up on day one! Out comes the bike. 5 minutes down and 5 minutes back from the village will cover the day's challenge.  Forgot that downhill takes a little longer. So it becomes a 15 minute cycle but finished before 12 midnight so pressure off......must take the commitment more seriously tomorrow.

Day 2 Sunday 12th June:
Today's the day I'm setting new standards!! I'm Heading down to Crosshaven and back. About 2 hours should cover the journey. Problem is I've no one to mind the puggley dog Mr. Spock.  So he'll have to get a crosser to Crosshaven!! Just delira with himself. Took to looking down his nose on other muts walking the old railway path.The dog's a bit of a snob. Must get a basket to make it easier to carry him. The route has a great cycling path if only the competitive cyclists would show a little bit more care especially with walkers sharing the path.    They could do with getting hold of and ringing a bell to warn of their FAST approach.
Image result for funny bike bells ireland

 Day 3 Monday 13th June:
I am running close to the end of the day again today. No time to head out on the bike earlier but at 9pm headed out for about 30 minutes of a cycle.  Never realised the road surface was in such a bad condition. You dont really feel the bumps as much when your travelling in a car. Might not be a bad idea for the local engineer to head out on a bike to discover for himself that the issues are far greater than a few potholes!

Have a look at this YouTube clip on How to deal with bad road surfaces.

Day 4 Tuesday 14th June:
Today was a good day on the cycling front! I got out on the bike straight after breakfast. Headed to village for DE EXAMINER and a few bits 'n pieces in the Super.  Could definitely do with a basket now!! Feeling a little saddle sore at the end of the cycle. Getting muscles in places I didn't realise I had places. Amazed how courteous car drivers none!!
Highlighted are the muscles used while cycling

Day 5 Wednesday 15th June:
First major milestone. Cycled with my mate Tom (another guy undertaking the cycle challenge) to Fitzgerald's Park for the Lunch by the Lee. Need a groin transplant after the city roads, in particular bad surface along the Douglas Road!! Really enjoyed the FREE lunch and especially concert given by the Cork Academy of Music - a talented group of guys. I met some fellow cyclists I hadn't met in a while. Special thanks to all that organised the event!
Fair pull back home after the event......rained a little but after the 3 hours on the bike I'm feeling sore but invigorated!! Headed home from Fitzgerald Park via Monahan Road. The riverside park is completely overgrown and an eyesore.  Which is a pity. For those visiting concerts in the Marquee it's not showing the City off in a good light.  Then again it must be an oasis for wildlife so close to the city.
Finished off the day with a swim for my very tired limbs!
Let's see what tomorrow brings.

 Great journeys so far from Patrick! Keep a look out for his updates here and on:

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