Donnacha writes....
I had a busy day at work so I got home a little later than planned today. Seeing as I even missed the Ireland game it was tempting to pull the 'its too late and im too tired' card but I did summon up the motivation to hit the road again. I stuck with the same route as it was getting late.
'We all know that everyone has hard days at work and the tiredness can set in preventing us to be active at the end of a long day. Click on these motivational tips to help get yourself moving whether its cycling, running or going for a brisk walk.
Motivational Tips'

I met a few more cars this evening than the evening before and in general most are very patient and considerate but one in particular was definitely too close for comfort!! It doesn't stress me too much - I tend to hold my position on the road well, but with the state of some of the roads and pothole dodging I can see why it would put some people off. Here is a flavour of a stretch of my route that has had the potholes FIXED!! But you find now those patch jobs can be pretty bumpy on the saddle too!!
'If you have experienced the same problem as Donnacha has with a car travelling a bit too close for comfort, have a read of this Irish Cycling Campaign "Stayin' Alive at 1.5" that is focused on having a defined space of 1.5 metres between cyclists and motorists sharing the road written into Irish Law "STAYIN' ALIVE AT 1.5"'

I got an early Fathers day gift of an action/activity video camera so I managed to record most of the journey which I will edit and send on as soon as I can so hopefully I can add it to tomorrows diary! I had issues with it staying upright on the handlebars so it needed to come off a few times to readjust it again.

All in all - even though a little slower with fatigue settling in on the uphill route home, I am happy with my evenings efforts. Beats sitting on the couch!! Hopefully for tomorrows journey the camera issues will be resolved and I can concentrate on the cycling!
Stay tuned for Donnacha's next update here and on our:
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