Drum roll please....
Introducing our first Operation Transportation blogger of 2016.......Michael!
Michael has decided to sign up to Operation Transportation as it was an opportunity for him to get back into the routine of cycling once again, especially while the weather is nice and to attend events around the city during Cork Bike Week 2016.
Michael used to cycle on a regular basis growing up as he lived in the countryside. He really enjoyed it as he used to cycle to meet up with friends and to get to any match that he may have had. It also gave him a sense of independence as he did not have to depend on his parents taking him places.
Michael now owns a car which makes it more convenient for him to get places but unfortunately with the weather we have sometimes in Ireland it does not encourage him to get out & hop on a bike.
Michael would like to cycle more as it is a great way of getting fit while also being able to see some great scenery on some of the routes he could cycle.
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