Friday, 15 June 2012

15th June 2012, Mervyn's Diary

Why Don't You Cycle Regularly Already?:

According to Mervyn:

I've always cycled to primary school, matches and training, up to leaving school. I also cycle a lot on holidays. But nowadays I don’t own a bike and it seems more difficult to be a cyclist. There are hills where I live also... though I would definitely like to cycle more.

Will Mervyn save some Euros each day by cycling up and down those hills to work?

Why Take Part in Operation Transportation?:

According to  Mervyn:

I decided to sign up to Operation Transportation because:
  1. I was sick of sitting in traffic around the Kinsale road and Sarsfield road roundabouts.
  2. Also, an intern at the Lifetime Lab cycles which put me to shame and
  3. I really need to become more active.

This is the Kinsale Road Roundabout which Mervyn commutes through every day...
Tips on how other cyclists view it, have been found here: 

 Extracts above are from:!/mervyn.horgan?sk=info


Here are two youtube clips with tips on hill-climbing on a bike. The first is obvious but it is always good to get a reminder:

The second is a bit more technical tips about pacing, pulsing and manipulating your body for maximum efficiency!!

Also if daunted, it is consoling to read that even Lance Armstrong gave up at the foot of St. Patricks hill :

Lance Armstrong daunted by St. Patrick's Hill In Cork in 2009.

Cyclists who did make it up St. Patrick's Hill. Photo by Stefan Wermuth from:

The lifelong cycling enthusiast and playright Alfred Jarry even described cycle races uphill as a form of crucifixion!!

So....there's no shame in taking it easy and walking up hill when you need to or investing in an electric bike.

On a good electric-assist bike, going uphill with a bit of electic boosting, can feel like going downhill without the power-assist. The broad beaming smile on my face when I recently experienced this, was just the outer manifestation of the exhiliration in my heart!!
I think this photo of Alex Bogusky of US website Fearless Revolution on a electric kalkhoff bike sums up the feeling!
For the complete review by Alex see:

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