Thursday, 16 June 2016

15th June - Áine's Best Day yet!

Day 5: Lunchtime Cycle to Fitzgeralds Park! 

I had an early cycle today – I headed along to the lunchtime cycle in Fitzgerald’s Park.

 If you look close enough at Darrens 'Selfie' on the left you can see me in the back wearing my high vis vest!

I was a bit apprehensive as I’ve never cycled in the city. Today was going to decide whether I’m going to be able to keep this going after Operation Transportation. I admit I was a bit nervous, but set out with my colleague Anita. Anita has been cycling for years, so I was very glad to have her today. She gave me a few tips on junctions and the dreaded right turn.
Tips for the dreaded right turn! TIPS
The route out was fine. It was 11.45 so traffic was quiet, the sun was shining and drivers gave us plenty of room. We took the quieter route – Anglesea, Copley, by St. Finbarres and onto Washington St. This gave me a chance to get comfortable with the passing cars. I didn’t think drivers would be so polite and cautious.
Áine's route out to Fitzgeralds Park.
We had a great time at Fitzgerald’s Park – would definitely recommend it for next year. I got a little lesson in how to properly work the gears to ensure that my bike stays in the best condition  - it pays to mingle with other cyclists!
Left see Cork Academy of Music set up in the bandstand in the park!
Right see my bike parked up for lunch!

On the trip back I was thrown in the deep end. Anita decided to let me go in front, not listening to any of my excuses (I tried a good few). The cycle lane on Washington street was great, more of these throughout the city would definitely encourage me to cycle more. South Mall was another story! Definitely the scariest part of the week. There were cars stopped everywhere. Without a cycle lane it meant weaving out into another lane to get around those double parked – really needs to be adjusted to facilitate cyclists!
Áine's route back home from Fitzgeralds Park

Final Word: 'All in all, best day yet! Think it has me hooked!!'

Keep up to date with Áine's progress and journeys on:

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