Friday, 12 June 2015

JUNE 12th 2015: Meet Aisling!

The Feeling of Freedom:


I’ve only gotten into cycling in the last three years.
I cycle to work most days and enjoy going for long cycles at the weekend with friends. There’s nothing like the feeling of freedom when you’re whizzing along on your bike J
Looking Beautiful in Black and Red: Aisling astride her ebony bike.

Editorial Footnote: 

When did you last feel truly free in your heart and spirit? Can you think of  a specific time in your life when this sense of freedom pulsed strongly within?

I suspect that most people will recall a time when they were probably either travelling, outdoors, with friends or engaged in some sort of vigorous physical activity. Aisling has found a way to combine all four with her cycling trips!

But don't just take our word for it! Check out the third way to Feel Free on: or this study of activities like hiking and biking in a focus group of older citizens:

For a more philosophical discussion on The Freedom of the Hills and the nature of Freedom this is a lovely read:

PLEASE SHARE HOW YOU "FEEL FREE" in the comments section below!

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