Tuesday, 16 June 2015

14th, 15th, 16th June 2015 - Meet Allison

Meet Allison, the Clonakilty Chocolatier 

Introduction - Allison Roberts is a chocolate maker who loves living a car-free life in Clonakilty and her Brompton folding bicycle makes it a pleasure.  She is also an organiser of the Clonakilty Bicycle Festival and founder of Sustainable Clonakilty's Transport Group.  The trickiest thing she finds is getting out for pleasure cycles on weekends when the energy can be a bit low, so her goal this year is to get on and have a spin of the town to raise the spirits as much as possible!

Sunday June 14th 

Allison writes:
Today was the last day of the Clonakilty Bicycle Festival and a great day to kick off 'Operation Transportation'!  I had a short cycle into town this morning, 5 km followed by a 35 km round trip dinner cycle our to Courtmacsherry and back for a spectacular fish supper, was a beautiful evening and cycled home along the bay about 9:30pm just as the sun was setting.

Monday June 15th 

Allison writes:
Today I went up and down our Hill to town about 4 times, it's a whopper hill and I'm still amazed how fit a little hill-cycling can make you, it's great to feel the heart race.  The last time was on a call to meet some friends from out of town for a coffee on Asna Square, another stunning evening in Clonakilty!

Check out this link for tips on how to defeat those big hills!: www.active.com

Clonakilty Bike Festival!

Tuesday June 16th 

Allison writes:
Today I haven't made it onto my bike, working from home means sometimes I might go the day without leaving the property and I'm playing catch up after a great bike festival weekend so I'm afraid there's been no peddling!  Tomorrow I will make sure to at least get a lap of the town in!

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