Why Don't You Cycle Regularly Already?:
According to Alison:
I don't cycle regularly now because, put quite simply, I am very lazy that way. My car is just outside the door waiting for me and keeps me dry in the rain . I would love to be able to cycle to work everyday, for example, but I have reservations about the state I will be in when I get there .I do go on the odd bike ride of a weekend with my husband, Ger, and always enjoy it very much. We usually would cycle about 20km and I find the cycle paths and special designated cycle ways really great. Saying that, when I say the odd weekend, I mean about three in the year...
(Image by Eric Hanson for the back page column of Macalester College Magazine, posted on http://www.theispot.com/whatsnew/2011/8/eric-hanson-bike-or-car.htm)
Why Take Part in Operation Transportation?:
According to Alison:
I decided to participate in Operation Transportation after much bugging, prodding and encouragement from my husband, Ger O'Leary. (No point in lying to you! )In a previous life, (the 80's and 90's), I cycled everywhere, due to the lack of a car. It was my only mode of transport and yes, most of the time, I did enjoy it.
I am going to use this opportunity to cycle more. I am going to attempt to cycle to and from work every day of this challenge and see how I get on.
I aslo hope to raise money for the ISPCC. So if you want to sponsor me let me know!!
You can also donate to the ISPCC here: http://www.ispcc.ie/fundraising/other-ways-to-support/221
So...How fit are you?:
According to Alison:
" I had my fitness test today at UCC Mardyke. Lets just say I am not that fit....Now I have three hours of cycling training lined up for tomorrow morning.
What the hell can they be teaching us that is going to take three hours???"
Extracts above are from: http://www.facebook.com/OperationTransportation#!/alison.oleary.37

Extracts above are from: http://www.facebook.com/OperationTransportation#!/alison.oleary.37
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