Monday, 23 July 2012

Who would you follow?

Please comment on this blog.

Tips for each of the different types of cyclists represented on the Operation Transportation Team, would be most welcome!!!

Thursday, 28 June 2012

Introducing Operation Transportation

For National Bike Week 2012 in Cork, we decided to run an initiative called Operation Transportation.
For this, we set up the facebook page:
We used this to recruit our Opertiaon Transportation Leader/Volunteers.

These Leaders were all people who didn't currently cycle regularly but were willing to try cycling more for one week. In fact they had to promise to cycle every day for at least 10 minutes from June 16th to 24th and to keep a diary to record their progress!

The diaries were all posts to their facebook pages. Unfortunately being a Facebook Novice, I didn't reaise how cluttered Facebook can get, so I've set up this blog to better isolate and organise the diaries...

Hopefully readers will get inspired. If you too are wondering could you cycle more, see how our OT leaders got on and learn from them. :)

Saturday, 16 June 2012

16th June 2012, Mervyn's Diary

Cycling to Fitzgerald's Park and All Around the City

According to Mervyn:

Something of Mervyn was seen by the Shaky Bridge, but what happened to the rest of him??
Note: This photo was not photo shopped!!

Mervyn checks his pedals and watches his gears.
Mervyn nervously awaits the results of the Bike Doctor's verdict! :)

And finally the video....

16th June 2012, Christine's Diary


What happened on Training Day?:

Christine was captured on camera by the blog editor:

Short clip of Christine on Training Day in Fitzgeralds Park above and photo below...

Christine's Bike also got the all-clear before the test from Adam D'arcy- one of Cork Community Bikes Safe Cycling Instructors.

The video clip above is from:

16th June 2012, Alison's Diary

Post Training Optimism

Alison's response:

Just back from my three hour training session on how to cycle my bike in traffic. I'm tired, but I enjoyed it. All set now for cycling to and from work all of next week!!

16th June 2012, Anna and Joe's Diary

Joe poses with his bike outside Barryscourt Castle.

    For more information about Barryscourt Castle see:

    Friday, 15 June 2012

    15th June 2012, Mervyn's Diary

    Why Don't You Cycle Regularly Already?:

    According to Mervyn:

    I've always cycled to primary school, matches and training, up to leaving school. I also cycle a lot on holidays. But nowadays I don’t own a bike and it seems more difficult to be a cyclist. There are hills where I live also... though I would definitely like to cycle more.

    Will Mervyn save some Euros each day by cycling up and down those hills to work?

    Why Take Part in Operation Transportation?:

    According to  Mervyn:

    I decided to sign up to Operation Transportation because:
    1. I was sick of sitting in traffic around the Kinsale road and Sarsfield road roundabouts.
    2. Also, an intern at the Lifetime Lab cycles which put me to shame and
    3. I really need to become more active.
    This is the Kinsale Road Roundabout which Mervyn commutes through every day...
    Tips on how other cyclists view it, have been found here: 

     Extracts above are from:!/mervyn.horgan?sk=info


    Here are two youtube clips with tips on hill-climbing on a bike. The first is obvious but it is always good to get a reminder:

    The second is a bit more technical tips about pacing, pulsing and manipulating your body for maximum efficiency!!

    Also if daunted, it is consoling to read that even Lance Armstrong gave up at the foot of St. Patricks hill :
    Lance Armstrong daunted by St. Patrick's Hill In Cork in 2009.

    Cyclists who did make it up St. Patrick's Hill. Photo by Stefan Wermuth from:

    The lifelong cycling enthusiast and playright Alfred Jarry even described cycle races uphill as a form of crucifixion!!

    So....there's no shame in taking it easy and walking up hill when you need to or investing in an electric bike.

    On a good electric-assist bike, going uphill with a bit of electic boosting, can feel like going downhill without the power-assist. The broad beaming smile on my face when I recently experienced this, was just the outer manifestation of the exhiliration in my heart!!
    I think this photo of Alex Bogusky of US website Fearless Revolution on a electric kalkhoff bike sums up the feeling!
    For the complete review by Alex see:

    15th June 2012, Keira's Diary

    Why Don't You Cycle Regularly Already?:

    According to Keira:

    I don't cycle regularly because I think the weather here is shocking and there aren't enough bike paths.However, I would love to cycle more so I've Signed up for Operation Transportation in the hopes that this will get me moving!

    Why Take Part in Operation Transportation?:

    According to Alison:

    I've signed up for this because I have not done much cycling but I always participate in the naked bike ride. (Check out for details of last years event!)
    Keira all painted up for the naked Bike Ride in 2011!
    For more about Keira check out:



    15th June 2012, Deirdre's Diary

    Why Don't You Cycle Regularly Already?:

    According to  Deirdre: 

    In the last few weeks of my last year in primary school I cycled to school alongside my brother. I also cycled to secondary school, except in very bad weather or on mornings when I got up too late to cycle the three miles to school. During a work placement in Cork city and later while working in UCC, I also cycled but found city cycling a lot more hazardous than the route I took to school.

    As mentioned above I now drive to work but until recently found it very easy to just fall into a routine of get home, cook dinner, get lazy in front of the TV. Hopefully Bike Week will lead me to get on my bike more often and even take in some sights in my own area.


    Why Take Part in Operation Transportation?:

    According to Deirdre:

     'I decided to sign up for Operation Transportation because I remember Bike Week last year and was interested in it but didn't think I could take part in it from my own work place because I commute to Cork from Mallow.

    Also some of my colleagues do a bike ride in aid of charity each year and have a stationary bike which volunteers are invited to pedal for a while (perhaps to give the main rider a break) and fear that I wouldn't stay pedalling for very long put me off previously. Perhaps it will be different this year!

    Deirdre pedalling so fast on the treadmill that all photos of her came out blurry!

    It looks like she is easily fit enough for the Charity Bike Ride. But will she pluck up the courage to take part? Read on to find out!


    Deirdre will need plenty of energy for all the cycling she plans to do!

    15th June 2012 Christine's Diary

    Why Take Part in Operation Transportation?:

    According to Christine:

    'I've signed up for this because I know this will give me the motivation to get back on my bike. I would love to commit to cycling for at least 10 min each day during cycle week. If I report back on my progress, I know this will help me stick with it.

    Cycling is such a lovely way to travel. It is a fabulous way to get around without the hassle of looking for parking and being stuck in traffic.

    I would love to eventually cycle to work. If I got to this stage I would be very pleased with myself. There are a few hills on the way though. So I would need to get a bit fitter first.

    Note also that
    I've signed up for this for many reasons- including trying to raise money for the ISPCA. So if you want to sponsor me let me know!! You can also donate to the ISPCA here:

    15th June, 2012: Alison's Diary

    Why Don't You Cycle Regularly Already?:

    According to Alison:

    I don't cycle regularly now because, put quite simply, I am very lazy that way. My car is just outside the door waiting for me and keeps me dry in the rain . I would love to be able to cycle to work everyday, for example, but I have reservations about the state I will be in when I get there .

    I do go on the odd bike ride of a weekend with my husband, Ger, and always enjoy it very much. We usually would cycle about 20km and I find the cycle paths and special designated cycle ways really great. Saying that, when I say the odd weekend, I mean about three in the year...

    (Image by Eric Hanson for the back page column of Macalester College Magazine, posted on

    Why Take Part in Operation Transportation?:

    According to Alison:

    I decided to participate in Operation Transportation after much bugging, prodding and encouragement from my husband, Ger O'Leary. (No point in lying to you! )

    In a previous life, (the 80's and 90's), I cycled everywhere, due to the lack of a car. It was my only mode of transport and yes, most of the time, I did enjoy it.

    I am going to use this opportunity to cycle more. I am going to attempt to cycle to and from work every day of this challenge and see how I get on.
    I aslo hope to raise money for the ISPCC. So if you want to sponsor me let me know!!
    You can also donate to the ISPCC here:

    So...How fit are you?:

    According to Alison:

    " I had my fitness test today at UCC Mardyke. Lets just say I am not that fit....Now I have three hours of cycling training lined up for tomorrow morning.
    What the hell can they be teaching us that is going to take three hours???"
    Extracts above are from:!/alison.oleary.37

    15th of June Friday: Anna and Joe Aherne's Diary

    Why Don't You Cycle Regularly Already?:

    According to Anna:

    'The reason I don't cycle more is either that I am just too lazy, I'm not organised or I cant find pump when I do decide to take the bike.....

    The reason Joe does not cycle is that he works for himself and will often have to go to meetings, sometimes in Dublin, at short notice. He is hoping to get more organised and plan his week better, so he can cycle to work for bike week.

    Overall, we would both like to cycle more. It is a great means of transport and we hope after this week we will get organised, pull the bikes out from the back of the shed and take to the road.

    Why Take Part in Operation Transportation?:

    According to Anna:

     'The reason I decided to take part in operation transportation is that I like cycling as a means of getting from a to b; It's less damaging to the environment than using my car and I just needed this push to practice what I preach.The reason Joe decided to take part is to keep fit and this is as good a time to start as any.

    We would both like to cycle more. It is a great means of transport and we hope that after this week,  we will get organised, pull the bikes out from the back of the shed and take to the road.

     Extracts above are lifted from:!/joe.annaaherne

    15th June 2012, Friday is Fitness Test Day Overview

    On this day, four of the Operation Transportation volunteers underwent Fitness Testing in the Mardkye Arena Sports Complex.

    Those who submitted themselves for cholestrol, blood pressure and fitness level testing were: 
    • Alison O' Leary,
    • Anna Aherne, 
    • Deirdre Lowney and
    • Mervyn Horgan.

    In the photo above, Deirdre is flying away on the treadmill, as Mervyn nervously submits to the medical investigations of UCC Exercise Physiologist: Trevor Woods.
    ( See: for more about the wonderful Mr Woods!)